Jump Into the New Year: Quick Trampoline Fitness Exercises
Keeping your fitness goals is easy with a trampoline! Check out these exercises to help you get toned and fit in less than 30 minutes.
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Nearly two thirds of adults who make New Year's resolutions set fitness goals as part of their resolution. Of those, a whopping 73% give up before meeting their goal. The good news is keeping those fitness goals is easy with a trampoline!
NASA found 10 minutes of jumping on a trampoline is equal to going on a 30 minute run. That means you can achieve your fitness goals in less time than hitting the gym. And it’s right in your backyard.
Check out these exercises to help you get toned and fit in less than 30 minutes.
The Seat Drop
- Starting point: Standing straight with hands at sides.
- Mid move: Jump up in air, moving legs forward.
- Landing: Land on posterior with legs straight out in front, palms down with fingers pointed toward toes.
The Pike Jump
- Starting point: Standing straight with feet on trampoline, arms at sides.
- Mid move: Point legs out keeping them straight, parallel to bed; reach with arms and point fingers to toes.
- Landing: Land standing with legs straight like the starting point.
Swivel Hips
- Starting point: Standing straight with feet on trampoline, arms at sides.
- Mid move: Jump up in air, moving legs forward in seating position.
- Extra move: Bounce on posterior with legs straight out in front, palms down with fingers pointed toward toes.
- Landing: After bounce, perform a half twist and land facing opposite direction.
Straddle Jump
- Starting point: Standing straight with feet on trampoline, arms at sides.
- Mid move: Point legs out sideways at an approximate 90 degree angle apart, keeping legs straight; reach with arms and point fingers to toes.
- Landing: Land standing with legs straight like the starting point.